Gel wax, is a clear, dimensionally stable, jelly-like material made from specially processed mineral oils. This wax can be used to create a variety of special effects and is also suitable for making decorative container candles. It can be dyed, have fragrances added and items embedded in it.
To create floating objects, pour the wax in different layers. The faster you pour, the more air bubble's there will be. It is ideal for creating beach scenes, aquariums, underwater scenes, tropical soda's and syrups for dessert candles.
Gel wax will not expire over time if stored in a cool, dark place free from moisture.
- Ensure to test all fragrances and essential oils before using with this wax, as not all oils may be compatible. When incorporating items into the wax, be sure they are non-flammable. Use low heat and supervision when melting the wax to avoid burning. If the wax turns cloudy, it may be due to certain items used. Uncoated wicks are recommended for use with this wax, as paraffin and soy waxes can cause reactions. It is important to use fragrances with a high flashpoint and consult with your supplier before adding them. Before adding any decorative items into the vessel, be sure to thoroughly clean them.
Temperatures as a guide, testing will be required.Heat Temp: Recommended.
Pour Temp: No less than
Fragrance Load: High flashpoint fragrances only
maximum 5%, testing is recommended
Guidance: Just like with any other wax, you'll have to experiment to get the results you want. This specific wax sets pretty fast, so make sure you're ready. It's important to note that any parts you embed need to be able to withstand fire, such as glass, stones, gems, and shells. Before making big batches, test out different fragrances and embedding combinations. When it's time to clean up, easily remove any extra wax and wipe it away.